Chakras capture vital energy and distribute it to our body. This energy that flows through the chakras can interfere in all aspects of our life, as they are the biggest responsible for our health, balancing our entire physical body. They stimulate our creativity, our well-being, emotional, psychic and energetic states.
In Chakra’s Therapy (alignment)
In Chakra’s Therapy (alignment) along with Reiki, all the chakras are aligned one by one, each one related to a phase of life, with focus on balance, self-knowledge, empowerment and healing!
ROOT CHAKRA (Muladhara)
Located at the base of the spine, root chakra is responsible for the absorption of earth’s energy, confidence, courage and direct stimulation of energy in the blood circulation. It is related to the stage from 0 to 7 years old and linked to the red color.
SACRAL CHAKRA (Svadhisthana)
It is located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel and is connected to the orange color. It is responsible for sexuality, creativity, passion and financial. Rules the bladder, kidneys and reproductive system.
This chakra is located in the diaphragm region, above the navel, with yellow color. He is responsible for our emotions, personal power and self-confidence. It controls our digestive system, pancreas and liver.
It is located in the chest, close to the heart and is connected to the green and pink color. It is related to the heart, and the energy of love and devotion is concentrated there. It is also responsible for the immune system, the heart and the lungs.
It is located in the throat and is linked to the blue color.
This chakra is related to assertive communication, self- expression, the right to speak and be heard, the respiratory organs and the throat.
It is located on the forehead, between the two eyebrows (pineal gland) and is linked to the color indigo blue. It relates to an intuitive ability, perception and also eye irrigation.
CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara)
It is located at the top of the head and is linked to the violet and white colors. It facilitates the distribution of energy throughout the body and is connected with spirituality, meditation and the Higher Self.